Friday, May 24, 2013

Spurs and Grizzlies history

Spurs and Grizzlies history

           The San Antonio Spurs or Spurs for short; is part at the South-West division . They are located in San Antonio. They are located in San Antonia, Texas which was their origin. According to Michael (2007) the Spurs are one of four former American Basketball Association team to remain intact in the NBA after the 1976 ABA-NBA merge and is the only former ABA to have won an NBA championship (P.N.D). They were founded in 1976. The Memphis Grizzlies or Grizzlies for short is also part of the South-West division. According to Springer (2007) the Grizzlies we established in Vancouver,British Columbia in 1995. The team relocated to Memphis  in 2001. They are also the team out the four major professional leagues that play in Memphis (P.N.D). 

Michael. L: (June 15,2007)  "For Spurs a familiar ring." Retrieved from:

Springer. S: (May 19,2007)  "GM Wallace joins Grizzlies" Retrieved from:

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